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Wednesday, September 17, 2008



The oestrogen cream that smoothes wrinkles by plumping up skin from the inside

Creams containing a form of oestrogen helped the skin produce more collagen in tests

Scientists have found a natural answer to smoother, more youthful skin - just add oestrogen.

Researchers used the female sex hormone on the skin to stimulate the production of collagen, which makes it appear less wrinkly.

Collagen is used by cosmetic surgeons as a 'filler' to remove fine lines, and is an ingredient in many anti-wrinkle creams.

As it naturally degrades, there is an increase in visible wrinkles on the skin.

But a team from the University of Michigan believe they have found a way to stimulate the body's own production of the chemical.

They made various creams containing oestradiol, a form of oestrogen and applied them to the skin of 70 men and women, with an average age of 75.

After using them every other day for two weeks, the oestrogen-treated skin started producing more collagen, they found.

The hormone was tested on sun-damaged areas such as the face, as well as more protected areas on the hips.

The study showed significantly increased production of collagen on the skin which was protected from the sun.

But it did not affect skin already damaged by the sun, such as the face and hands, suggesting the sun's rays may impede collagen production.

Laure Rittie, who lead the study published in the Archives of Dermatology said she was surprised by the findings.

'It can be beneficial for skin on areas that are not exposed to sunlight.'

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