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Wednesday, September 17, 2008



Fresh blackberries

Hedgebrow berries in fruit from mid August to late September.

Contain: Have one of the highest antioxidant levels of any fruit. Also rich in vitamin C - a half-cup (three handfuls) provides 100 per cent of the recommended daily vitamin C for an adult. The compound that gives blackberries their colour, anthocyanins, is also a potent antioxidant.

What's new: 'Fresh berries are some of the most powerful disease-fighting foods available,' say Oregon

University researchers. Blackberry is being tested for its use against lung cancer in women - scientists have found that the berries could reduce the oestrogen activity which feeds the tumour. Animal studies have shown similar effects.

At home: Best eaten straight off the bramble, but blackberry syrup is a traditional therapy for sore throats.

Bring to the boil three cups of blackberries, one cup of sugar, half a cup of water, grated zest from one lemon, and simmer for 15 minutes while stirring. Strain and cover, and put in the fridge for two weeks.

Tip: The lowest berry, at the tip of the stalk, is the first to ripen and the sweetest and fattest of all.

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