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Wednesday, September 17, 2008



One-a-day pill could end eczema misery for 100,000 sufferers

Eczema causes inflamed itchy cracks on the skin

Patients with severe eczema of the hands could benefit from a once-a-day pill.

The condition, which causes inflamed cracks in the skin, affects 250,000 Britons. For many sufferers conventional steroid creams have no effect.

But the vitamin A-based drug Toctino cleared the problem in almost half of adults treated in a six-month trial.

More than 1,000 men and women with chronic hand eczema were tested in five UK hospitals and others in Europe and Canada.

One third were given a dummy capsule once a day, while the remainder took two different strengths of the drug.

Almost half taking the higher strength - and 28 per cent of the lower strength group - had clear or almost clear hands after 24 weeks. Only 17 per cent of the 'dummy' group responded.

Around one-third of those responding relapsed in the six months after the trial. Further treatment was successful for 80 per cent of these.

Study investigator Dr Adam Haworth, a consultant dermatologist at St Mary's Hospital, Portsmouth, said: 'Chronic hand eczema is severely disabling for patients and often difficult to treat.

'This new oral treatment, which is proven to be effective in clearing hand eczema and well tolerated, is a great addition to our formulary and will help us manage this difficult problem.'

Margaret Cox, chief executive of the National Eczema Society charity, said 'People who have chronic hand eczema are severely disadvantaged since they are unable to use their hands normally.

'This can lead to them taking time off work or even leaving their job altogether. Also, since the eczema is in a highly visible area - the hands - many patients experience embarrassment and low self esteem.

'Anything that can help treat the symptoms of this painful and distressing condition will be welcomed by chronic hand eczema sufferers.'

Because the drug - like other retinoids - causes birth defects it cannot be taken by women of childbearing age unless strict pregnancy testing and prevention methods are followed.

The drug, made by Swiss company Basilea Pharmaceutica, costs £400 for a month's supply.

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